Route/Road information

Please note that the roads between Ficksburg and Rosendal, and Senekal and Rosendal, are in poor condition. However, there is positive news as both roads are currently undergoing repair and construction, featuring intermittent stop-and-go sections. When planning your travel time, please factor this in and exercise caution while driving along these routes.

Traveling from Gauteng:

  • We recommend taking the N1 to Ventersburg, then the R70 to Senekal.
  • Look for the detour sign in Senekal. The turnoff is at Malan Street, which becomes Dreyer Street. This will take you through town onto a dirt road that will bring you back onto the R70 just before Rosendal. 
Detour directions in Senekal
Detour Directions, Senekal to Rosendal
  • If you miss the detour and have a reasonably sturdy vehicle, you can continue with the N5 until just before Paul Roux. Here, you can turn onto a dirt road for about 19 km, which will also take you to the R70 just before Rosendal.
Road detour via Paul Roux

Traveling from KwaZulu-Natal

  • We recommend taking the N3 to Harrismith, then the N5 to Bethlehem, and continuing to Fouriesburg and Ficksburg. Just before Ficksburg, turn onto the R70 towards Rosendal. It is about 38 km to Rosendal from the turnoff.
  • An alternate route (gravel road) is located just past Paul Roux. Once on the gravel road, do not take the turnoff that says Rosendal, as this is a very dangerous road. Instead, continue straight until you reach the R70 and then turn left to Rosendal.
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