Shops & Services, Rosendal

Professional framer

Have your framing done here in Rosendal… from puzzles to Picassos. A well established picture framer since 2000, Charmaine is highly experienced in quality conservation techniques and all forms of framing. Onsite consultations, collection and delivery.

Contact: Charmaine
082 340 9393

Wedding services

The Rosendal Country Retreat offers stunning wedding facilities and an in-house event co-ordinator to assist you in hosting your dream wedding.

Contact: Marius
078 319 5019


Wood & garden service

Supplier of firewood and charcoal, as well as garden services. Deliveries available.

Contact: Theunis ‭
084 053 1235‬

Firewood supply

Supplier of firewood. Deliveries available.

Contact: Johannes
079 615 3691

Lawn & garden service

All garden services, lawn mowing, removing of garden waste, pruning of trees and fixing of fences.

Contact: Willie
063 554 4303

Water drilling

Siting and drilling of water

Contact: G.O. Drilling
082 899 3634

Independent ICT consultant

A consulting company, founded by Mohlolo Eric Katsana, that specialises in IT support, auditing and corporate branding.

Contact: Eric
076 377 3435

South African Police Service

Rosendal Police Station is located at:
Corner Keyter and Kriek Streets

058 211 1100

First responder

Qualified nurse providing first aid and oxygen supply if required.

Contact: Hester
071 268 9517

Snake catchers

Snakes have a role to play in the ecosystem, especially with rodent control. The snakes most often encountered in Rosendal are the rinkhals and puff adder (both dangerous). There is also a variety of harmless snakes around.

If you see a snake, please don’t kill it. Snakes are scared of you and want to flee, but some will defend themselves if you attack them. It is safer to keep your distance and get hold of one of our snake catchers. Theunis Prinsloo and Hanné Koster will be quick to remove and relocate any snake. By preserving our snakes, we do our bit to preserve a healthy ecosystem.

Contact: Theunis
074 261 0470

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